Background and Overview

The Federal government has established goals of deploying 30 GW of offshore wind energy by the year 2030 and 110+ GW of offshore wind by 2050. The State of California has established goals of deploying 5 GW of offshore wind energy by 2030 and 25 GW of offshore wind energy by 2045. Per the studies linked below that have been published by the Federal Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, the National Renewable Energy Lab, and the California Energy Commission, major port development throughout California will be required in order for the Federal/State goals to be realized. The Humboldt Bay Harbor, Recreation and Conservation District (District) is developing the Humboldt Bay Offshore Wind Heavy Lift Multipurpose Marine Terminal (“Project”) to support offshore wind energy development. For more detailed background information regarding offshore wind and the District’s proposed project, see the videos linked below.

Tribal Engagement

In June of 2023 (prior to the initiation of the project’s CEQA process), the Harbor District invited 10 Tribal governments to consult with the District regarding the project.  To date, seven Tribes have accepted that invitation.  The District is actively working with these Tribes to understand their concerns and evaluate project alternatives.  These communications with Tribes are occurring as a part of the AB 52 process and are therefore confidential.  Therefore, the District does not openly disclose the nature of our engagements with Tribes.  Any Tribal government representative that would like to learn more should contact Rob Holmlund using the information above under “Contact.”  

Project Specific Community Engagement Strategy

The District is committed to open and meaningful community engagement processes throughout the project development process. The District is implementing a “Community Engagement Strategy” which can be found by clicking here
The Community Engagement Strategy: outlines the purposes of the Project; identifies the District’s objectives related to community engagement; determines the internal criteria that the District will utilize to evaluate impacts, equity, and engagement throughout the life of the project; lists anticipated categories and examples of interests groups, interested parties, and affected communities; lists planned future public meetings; and lists meetings that have occurred to date. 


The Harbor District has received funds from the following grant programs for this project. Copies of the latest grant applications can be accessed by clicking on the grant: 
The INFRA grant (>$426M) will be used to finalize project design and to fund project construction, including access roads, onsite utilities, a 40-acre upland staging site, a 1,200 linear foot wharf, and a several acre berth. 

The INFRA grant also includes:
  • $51,000,000 for environmental restoration;
  • $1,100,000 for a  paved multipurpose trail;
  • $2,300,00 for an eco-shoreline transition from the bay to the upland site;
  • $10,000,000 for a large on-site solar array to provide renewable energy to the project operations;
  • $1,200,000 for public recreation access (fishing pier, kayak launch, or other);
  • $3,000,000 for a dredge material dewatering area; and
  • $6,000,000 for a Community Benefit Program intended to benefit local Tribes, fishermen, and nearby residents.

Videos and Presentations

The Harbor District is committed to sharing project-specific information with local residents, stakeholders, interested parties, and affected communities. Providing pre-recorded video presentations is one of the many ways the District is sharing information. The number of videos released will grow over time, with some videos linked below and some planned videos to come.
  • Videos can be found here:
  • Pending videos to be released in the future (not necessarily listed in anticipated chronological order:
    • Introduction to Offshore Wind: Why, Who, How, Where, and When (1 hour version)
    • Introduction to Offshore Wind (10 minute version)
    • Summary of Humboldt Bay Harbor District’s Project
    • Bay-wide Master Planning for Offshore Wind

Draft and Conceptual Project Descriptions, Concept Maps, and Visual Simulations

Draft project descriptions, conceptual maps, and visual simulations of the proposed project will be provided as they become available. Note that project descriptions, figures, and simulations provided here do not represent final products and are merely conceptual at this stage:

Public Meetings

The Harbor District will be periodically hosting public meetings regarding offshore wind. The District Board of Commissioners holds a regularly-scheduled public meeting at 6:00 PM on the second Thursday of each month. Occasionally, the Board also meets for additional special meetings at other times as announced. Regular and special Board meetings frequently include discussions regarding offshore wind. Members of the public and interested parties are welcome to attend open Board meetings. Agendas and information regarding Board meetings can be found here: Planned and past meetings are outlined below:

Involvement of Interest Groups, Interested Parties, and Affected Communities

The Harbor District anticipates that this project will be of interest to many different categories of interested parties and affected communities. In addition to the general public meetings outlined above, the District has been and will continue to host meetings with interest groups, interested parties, and affected communities. These include, but are not limited to:
  • Tribal governments identified by the Native American Heritage Commission as the Tribes with whom the District should communicate regarding this project, as well as other Tribal governments in the general region that request to be informed and provide input on the project.
  • Individuals/businesses related to fishing/aquaculture and various fishing related groups/organizations.
  • Individuals and associations of residents that live near the project site.
  • Property owners that are neighbors to the project site.
  • Individuals/businesses that own properties, docks, wharfs, and/or shipping facilities adjacent to or within Humboldt Bay.
  • Individual business owners and business-advocacy organizations (such as Chambers of Commerce, Humboldt Builders Exchange, etc).
  • Labor unions, labor advocacy organizations, and labor/business-support NGOs (such as Operating Engineers, ILWU, etc).
  • Environmental, conservation, and recreational advocacy NGOs (such as Baykeeper, Surfrider, and EPIC).
  • Local/regional advocacy Non-Governmental-Organizations (NGOs), non-profits, and community organizations (such as the Peninsula Community Collaborative and CoreHub).
  • Other NGOs and non-profits.
  • Nearby jurisdictions and government entities (such as County of Humboldt, City of Eureka, and Special Districts).
  • Local, State, and Federal governmental agencies (regulatory/permitting agencies, utility providers, funding agencies, and other government agencies)
  • Local, State, and Federal elected officials
  • Educational organizations/institutions
  • Private citizens
  • Private development companies, offshore wind development companies, etc.
  • Other west coast ports
See the Community Engagement Strategy linked above for more information regarding this topic and for a list of meetings that have occurred to date.

Available Studies, Reports, and Other Public Documents

Publicly available studies, reports, and other documents will be hosted here as they become available.  Currently available documents:

Environmental Processes and Permitting

The District will be preparing a CEQA EIR, a NEPA document, and several permits throughout 2023 and 2024. More information will be posted here as it becomes available.

Schedule and Timeline

This section is a placeholder. More information will be posted here regarding the schedule and timeline as information becomes available.

Press Materials

This section is a placeholder. More information will be posted.