Executed Resolutions

Executed Resolutions 2024
  • Resolution 2024-01 Adopting a Green Terminal Strategy
  • Resolution 2024-02 Approving Permit 2023-06 for the Eureka Flood Reduction and Sea Level Rise Resiliency Project
  • Resolution 2024-03 Designating Business Matters for Calendar Year 2024
  • Resolution 2024-04 Affirming Committment to the Prevention of Sex Trafficking and MMIP
  • Resolution 2024-05 Authorizing the Execution of Grant Agreement with CDFW for Secretariat Services FY 24-25
  • Resolution 2024-06 Authorizng the Execution of the Application and Agreement for SS Coverage for Employees who are Members of Calpers

Executed Resolutions 2023

Executed Resolutions 2022 Executed Resolutions 2021
Executed Resolutions 2020

Executed Resolutions 2019