The District oversees and promotes many port development projects and programs. These include dredging, retention and improvement of commercial fishing facilities, improvement of transportation and maritime facilities, pilotage licensing, Oil Spill Co-op coordination, erosion control, shoreline protection projects, port marketing, mariculture, aquaculture and permitting for development.
The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers is obligated to annually maintain the shipping channels in Humboldt Bay, however any improvement or modernization of these channels, such as deepening, requires a local sponsor. The District has participated as the local sponsor in two federally-authorized channel-deepening projects with the Corps of Engineers. Outside of the federally-authorized navigation channels, the District is also responsible for completing periodic maintenance dredging on District facilities.
Commercial fishing facilities retention and improvement
The District operates a boat building and repair facility at Fields Landing . Commercial and private vessels use these facilities.
Transportation and maritime facility improvement
Through careful planning, the District is committed to build the foundation for a real increase in the cargo handling capacity of the bay. Roughly 15 percent of Humboldt Bay's 33 miles of shoreline is considered appropriate for harbor facility development. Making the best use of this space through retention and improvement of existing facilities is critical to the port's future. The District also works with the US Coast Guard and the Humboldt Bay Harbor Safety Committee to improve the placement, operation and maintenance of navigational aids within Humboldt Bay.
Visit the Humboldt Bay Harbor Safety Committee Website for current Harbor Safety Information here.
Pilots are experienced in the navigation of large oceangoing vessels within Humboldt Bay and its channels. Pilots are required on all vessels over 300 gross tons. While the pilots do not work for the District, the District licenses them after experience and training criteria are satisfied.
Oil Spill Co-op coordination
The Oil Spill Co-op is a mutual-aid first responder represented by the Humboldt Bay Harbor District, City of Eureka, Englund Marine and Renner Petroleum. The co-op's primary role is to quickly contain any spills at these facilities with pre-staged materials and trained personnel. Once contained, cleanup can occur.
Erosion control and shoreline protection
To preserve, protect, and enhance portions of Humboldt Bay and Shelter Cove's open ocean boat launch facility from erosion, the District has implemented joint ventures with various agencies.
Port marketing
The District is engaged in a port-wide marketing effort to increase visibility of the Port of Humboldt Bay to a worldwide market, with the goal to optimize and diversify shipping activity to Humboldt Bay shipping terminals .
Mariculture and aquaculture
The unique tidal flushing of Humboldt Bay makes it the perfect environment for the culture of marine organisms. Oysters are the primary species cultured in Humboldt Bay. The majority of the oyster culture occurs in north Humboldt Bay, also known as Arcata Bay.
Development permits
The Humboldt Bay Harbor, Recreation and Conservation District Act empowers the board of commissioners to grant permits, franchises and leases. In many cases, the Harbor District is also the lead agency for development projects with regard to compliance with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and routinely works with other permitting agencies on the environmental assessment of proposed projects.